Quotes From "Murder By Misrule" By Anna Castle

Tom smiled at the Fleming – a bright, friendly smile – and bobbed his head courteously. That confused the jolt-head. Then, by way of making conversation while his confederates gained their positions, he said, "I suppose someone must have told you – your mother, perhaps, or your father, though I doubt you ever knew him – that you're an idle-headed canker. A rank pustule? No? Not even an irksome, crook-pated, pathetical nit?" The Fleming, his face as red as hot steel, roared and swung a fist like a blacksmith's hammer. . Anna Castle
Tom." Mrs. Sprye's tone was severe. "I expect you to look after this boy, not encourage him to go about brawling in the street. In broad daylight! " Tom was stung. "It's nigh impossible to brawl in the dark, Mrs. Sprye. And look–" He put his hands on Trumpet's shoulders and turned him full circle. "Scarcely a scratch on him. A bit dirty, true, but I believe that Pygmies can be washed. Anna Castle